Journaling every morsel that crosses my lips has been a great way to keep within my daily caloric intake. Scratch that. Actually journaling every morsel that crosses my lips would be a great way to keep within my daily caloric intake. In my mixed of mind of dieting, food only counts if it is during the work week and before 9pm. My weight is holding steady at 173 which is a total of 7 pounds down. Somehow I have to figure out how to lose 3 more pounds this week in order to reach my goal for the month. could I do this? I could starve myself until Sunday and then spend all day Monday stuffing my face. I could skip work the rest of the week and spend 8 hours a day at the gym really working out. Or, I could just face the fact that I've failed yet again this month of reaching my goal and rejoice in the 7 pounds that I did lose. As I seem to have no willpower when it comes to crab legs and beer, the quest for a new dieting/weight loss approach is on.
I never had a problem with my weight until recently. Until my sophomore year in college, I could not participate blood drive dontations. The minimum weight requirement was 110 pounds. I didn't reach 110 until I discovered beer and dorm room food....and it still took me a year to get there. Now realistically looking back at those pictures, I was grossly skinny. But I ate whatever I wanted and did whatever I wanted. If I wanted to be lazy with an entire pizza, a carton of rocky road ice cream and a 6-pack of Natty Lite, more power to me. I'd wake up the next day and could have quite possibly lost weight.
I really don't know what to do to shed these extra pounds. I want to eat yummy food and my husband is an amazing cook. I want to have a few cocktails with friends every Wednesday night. I want to eat pizza and watch a movie with my kiddos on Friday evenings. I want to continue the crab leg and wine fest we've been having every Saturday night since the new year. I want to lose weight. Even with the measly 7 pounds I've lost, I notice a difference in the way my clothes fit. But somehow I need to turn that 7 pounds into 30 pounds...and by June 1st.
As I contemplate how I could have all of my bad habits 10 years ago and never gain a pound, I realize that
I'm 10 years older and have birthed 3 kids and maybe, just maybe my metabolism has haulted I was always on the go. My class schedule had me in a power-walk up and down hills across campus several times a day to be on time. My job had me running cocktails and steaks to impatient diners. Come that time when I could eat, even though I ate crappy, fattening food, I had already burned a ton of calories.
Now, I sit. Right here in front of this computer screen. Eight hours a day. Then I sit some the car, at practices and games, while paying bills, and watching T.V. Sedentary.
Solution: I quit my job! hindsight it probably wasn't the best financial decision I have ever made for my family. When at home all day with my kids, sitting is rarely an option. Plus, no more splurges on food because we're gonna be flat broke! But, if it makes me skinny then who the hell cares!